Monday, May 13, 2013

Quartz Is a Rare News Gem for News Junkies!

Sometimes I think online news is going the way of cable television - lots of outlets/channels, but not a lot of great content.

So, when there is something that catches my attention, I have to praise it. In this case it's the recently launched online business news-zine Quartz. I can't even begin to tell you about all the amazing news and information you can find on the site. And the layout is simple, so simple it's arresting.

How come more stuff isn't flying across my screen? Where are the scrolling headlines? Exclamation points? Sexy headlines? I mean, it's so 90s minimalist, which I actually think is a good thing. The 90s are back en vogue, and I really have missed that stark graphic aesthetic. But besides the superficial, Quartz is really onto something when it comes to telling stories and delivering news.

And what do I love most? They have stories from around the world, and each of them can resonate with an American, European, African, Asian or Latin American audience. For instance, they just posted a story about Africans starting businesses in China, which is absolutely fascinating. Why will it interest you? because "Made in China" proves money is more powerful than race, politics, and social classes. The American dream is now alive and well in China. Now, isn't that something? They also posted a great article discussing Tesla - for the green or greedy (they were more P.C. with their headline)? And since Quartz's bosses own The Atlantic and National Journal, you also get some great stories from those outlets, too. I could go on, but I'd be keeping you from reading some truly interesting stuff. Enjoy!

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